
I’m a full stack web developer working in Tokyo. I’m tech agnostic, and like the Grug Brained Developer, I like to keep complexity low. My favorite stack is vanilla HTML/CSS and JS. I’m enthusiastic about bioinformatics, anything data, clean design, UI/UX, and typography. I spend most of my free time playing musical instruments and researching about history and instruments from the baroque period.

After freelancing on and off for a while, I started a remote internship at Hirota Kaihatsu in 2019. I worked closely with the CTO learning about modern web-development practices and developing sites/apps for several industries.

In 2020 I joined Direct Computer Systems as a System Engineer, working with a small team of Japanese people. I was responsible for designing, developing, testing and deploying Windows software, while providing end-user support. I also worked on sites/apps as a full stack developer, developed APIs, and led a small team to develop a POS system for a payment kiosk. Due to the Corona virus, I left to work from home and joined AmpiFire.

At AmpiFire, I worked fully remote with an international team of developers. I led the marketing tech team, working closely with other teams to develop sales funnels and marketing pages. I set up domains, worked on databases, backend and frontend, integrated 3rd party services, performed SEO and speed optimization of pages, etc.

I’ve helped Hibernian Workshop with their game Astral Ascent in November of 2023. I worked on the Japanese derush and Portuguese translation of the game. You can see my name in the credits.

In 2024, I joined SerpApi to grow my career and focus more on the back-end. The opportunity to use Ruby for professional development in an enviroment full of highly skilled individuals, and the ability to write articles as part of the role is what attracted me to it.


SerpApi, Austin TX, USA
Web Developer, – Present

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, RSpec, WebMock, MongoDB, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JSON, REST API, Git, GitHub, DigitalOcean, CloudFlare, Ghost, Clearscope, Intercom, Stripe

AmpiFire, London, England
Web Developer,

Technologies: Semantic HTML5, CSS3, Sass, BootStrap, JS, jQuery, TypeScript, vue.js, Vuetify, PHP, CakePHP, MariaDB, SSH, FTP, WordPress, Docker, Jenkins, Git, BitBucket, Jira, Confluence, ClickUp, Ongage, ActiveCampaign, Unbounce, Recurly, ClickBank, HubSpot, PushEngage, Google Analytics/GTM

Direct Computer Systems, Saitama, Japan
System Engineer,

Technologies: C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, HTML5, CSS3, JS, Node.js, express.js, pug.js, Babel, SOAP, REST, JWT, SQL Server, MySQL, Windows Server, Git

Hirota Kaihatsu, Tokyo, Japan
Web Developer – Intern,

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JS, Node.js, express.js, vue.js, MySQL, AWS, Heroku, Git



If you’re a recruiter, feel free to connect. My resume/CV is available upon request. If you need Japanese documents, feel free to ask for my 履歴書 and 職務経歴書.

This site

It’s where I post random stuff about my interests, or my current projects. It’s handwritten HTML coded with Visual Studio Code. It used to be hosted on GitHub Pages, but now it’s hosted on CloudFlare.